Monday 13 January 2014

The last 11

Okay, I know my number is wrong. In my defense, I have never claimed to be skilled in Math. I have done a kindness every day though, whether it was something as simple as complimenting someone on an outfit or donating money to some charitable organization. And for those who don't believe me, I will tell you that for one whole year we made a $30 donation to a children's hospital every month, so that counts as an extra twelve. But here is the final list.

1. I took a donut to Santa today. It was J's idea.

2. I put change in the Salvatoin Army jar.

3. We put a small toy in the Toy Drive. Christmas makes it so easy to be nice, doesn't it?

4. I shoveled my neighbour's driveway.

5. We made some visits on Christmas day to bring holiday greetings and cards. And spread some cookies around.

6. We visited my mom and I cleaned up the kitchen for her. Not that her kitchen is messy, but I did it before she got the chance. Hey, she was entertaining my kids so it was the least I could do.

7. We had to go home early from my parents' house so I could take J to the Dr. I took in a belated Christmas card for the after-hours clinic staff. And some cookies.

8. At the pharmacy I had a chat with the cashier. She looked tired so I was friendly and happy to cheer her up. It seemed to work, because she laughed at something I said. Side note: It was difficult to be cheery because I'd been to the doctor twice with J at that point and E was getting sick. That and I had about three hours of sleep in the previous week.....

9. I had to take E to the doctor for his symptoms, so I brought in cookies for the staff again.

10. E required a second doctor's visit, just like J had. That has nothing to do with the day's kindness, I just thought I'd bring it up. The day before New Year's Eve I bought someone a coffee. Knowing this would be the last time in 2013 I did this, I was happy it was appreciated this time.

11. My final kindness of the year was fairly anticlimactic. Sorry to say I did  not plan a big, fantastic event for the celebration of the year's end. I simply shoveled another driveway.

Friday 20 December 2013


340: I shoveled the neighbours driveway. I love it when it snows.

341: I brought in eight recycling bins. I am going to be known as the neighbourhood recycling bin gnome.

342: I bought a coffee for the guy behind me. He must have been in the holiday spirit because he thanked me.

343: I put a toy in the toy drive for Christmas.

345: I let J pick some food to put in the food drive.

346: I picked a name from children without families and bought the boy a present. I got him a very nice fleece blanket with Canadian NHL teams, because he is a hockey fan.

347: I was shopping (again, tis the season) and I heard a lady ask one of the workers to [age someone for a specific department. He must have forgotten, because five minutes later she was still waiting. I asked another worker to page someone for her.

348: I made cookies for all the teachers and staff at J's school. Fifty chocolate chip.

349: I donated some old clothing for lower income families.

350: I shoveled two extra driveways today.

351: We took in a Christmas card for our doctor and his office staff.

Monday 9 December 2013

The next seven

Okay, I forget what number I'm on and I don't want to go back to check, but I know I have seven kindnesses to record so here goes:

1. I cleaned poop off the sidewalk again. Yes, this is the second time I've done that. It's not my favourite activity, but most people in our neighbourhood like to keep it clean. That said, there are those who never pick up after their pets and there are also a lot of children using the sidewalks. I wore gloves and I did it for the kids.

2. I braved the crowds to do some Christmas shopping for my husband. December=busy people=grumpy and rude people=not my favourite time to shop. Let's be honest, I hate shopping at the best of times.

3. I gave some of my homemade yogurt to a friend. Weird, yes, but a labour of love.

4. I brought in several recycling bins, for the simple fact that they were annoying me. Hey, it's still nice.

5. I put money in a charity jar for something or other. I'm not sure what it was for, because at this time of year there were about six jars to choose from. I picked the red one, which says to me Salvation Army.....?

6. I was at my nephew's birthday party at an indoor playground with bouncy castles and an arcade. I gave some tokens to another child who wanted to play some games. We had lots.

7. I shoveled my neighbour's driveway.

Monday 2 December 2013

Kindnesses 319-332

Wow it's been a while, hasn't it? I knew that because I wrote all my good deeds down, but when my desk got overtaken by sticky notes I figured it was time to transfer them to the electronic section. It's been a busy couple of weeks. Who am I kidding? It's been a busy couple of years. Here goes:

319: I gave a coffee card to one of the nice bus drivers, just to show that we appreciate the kindness of public figures. I don't know if that's the right term, but they deal with the public all the time and it's better when they are nice.

320: I held the door for a family with two kids. I guess they started Christmas shopping early, because all four of them were loaded with bags. Someone else had gone ahead and let the door shut, so I moved in front to open it again.

321: I helped a blind man navigate his way to the bus. He nearly ran me over because the terminal was so busy, but I didn't get upset. He felt pretty bad, but I assured him it was okay and helped him onto the bus by telling him when it was clear to go and what seats were free.

322: I bought coffee for the guy in line behind me. That one is a 50/50 for reactions. Some people are grateful, while others give me dirty looks or even snap at me. This guy gave me a dirty look.

323: I let someone use my ten-ride pass for the bus, because she didn't have fare on her. She said a quick thank you but didn't seem very grateful. 'Tis the season, I suppose.

324: I bought J some new gloves and donated his old ones, which are still like new, to charity for kids who don't have enough snow gear.

325: I took cookies in for J's class.

326: I shoveled the neighbour's driveway. Finally, end of November and there's snow!

327: I put some cans in the local food drive bin.

328: I sent in $4 for a family to have a Christmas dinner through one of the local churches. Is it just me, or does this time of year make it really easy to be nice? I wonder why everyone's so grumpy.....

329: Inspired by the poor reaction last time, I bought another coffee for someone behind me. This time the lady was happy about it, and thanked me.

330: I brought in recycling and garbage bins today. It wasn't a crazy wind storm, but I still thought it was nice.\Besides, the bins were out two days late so I figured these people were pretty busy.

331:I helped the boys decorate the house for Christmas. We only started a bit, but E got a kick out of the green, fake tree stuff on the banister and J really liked his window covered in lights.

332: I used my ten-ride pass for someone else today who was rushing out the door and forgot her pass. She was very grateful.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Kindnesses 311-318

310: I was on the bus today and gave up my seat for someone with a stroller. I have seen her once or twice and she said thank you this time, I think because she recognized me. I have done this before for the same mother and she ignored me.

312: I went in to J's class to volunteer with spelling help. I always forget about this one, but I do it every two weeks. It's really too much fun to be considered a good deed, but the kids benefit so I'm using it.

313: I gave out cookies at the bus stop to some parents who are there every day. They were homemade of course. The best oatmeal cookies ever. That should count as two.

314: I helped out the mom of the boy I provide daycare for by meeting him off the bus. She was running late at the store and wasn't going to be there in time to get him from his regular stop, so I told the bus driver that I would wait with him for his mom. I'm already an authorized grown up for him so it wasn't a concern. I gave him a snack and he was picked up.

315: : I donated to one of the numerous Christmas funds for a local group. One that raises money so families can have food.

316: I gave a quarter to someone at the grocery store for their cart. It makes up for the many times I have been quarterless in the same situation, and people have helped me out.

317: I donated some money to the Save the Children fund through J's school, to help the children of the Phillipines after the hurricane.

318: I baked 100 muffins for the school Breakfast for Learning program, and sent them in with J. I will be doing this every five or six weeks.

Bonus: I looked after J's friend for a few minutes before school and put him on the bus, because his mom got called into work.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Kindnesses 300-310

Now that I'm in my final hundred group, I think my count is off. I have done something nice every day, but I am not known for my math skills. Yes, I know, it's counting. So to make up for that, I am going to throw in a few extra kindnesses until the end of the year.

300: I let a guy with three kids go in front of me in the grocery store. I had two kids, but three tops it. And E had helped himself to a few Kinder eggs to keep himself occupied. I don't condone Kinder eggs, but he's the next Inspector Gadget with his Go-go Gadget arm.......

Bonus: I paid for the eggs, although it put me over budget.

301: I looked after a friend of J's for the afternoon, so his mom could get some shopping done.

302: I looked after a friend of E's, so his mom could go to the doctor and do some Christmas shopping.

303: I donated $2 to the Remembrance Day fund for poppies. Not many people donate that much.

304: I helped a lady up when she fell on the icy sidewalk. She just had knee surgery and needed the assistance. Another woman helped too.

305: I paid the bus fare for a lady I see on the bus all the time. She's an older woman who volunteers at the hospital, putting on puppet shows for the patients. She didn't have her wallet that day, so I gave her the money.

306: I brought in several garbage and recycling bins on our street. The wind in Peterborough is terrible and they were blowing all over the road again. One garbage bin hit our window.

307: I donated some canned food to the food drive at the grocery store. This has become a habit (donating food or money) on grocery day, and one I will definitely continue next year.

308: I took the kids on a play date and brought homemade granola bars for everyone in their large family. I would have just taken a loaf of banana bread, but although I know there's one in there, our freezer is a jungle of baked goods.

309: I brought home treats for the family, in the form of flavoured hot chocolate.

310: I took E to the resource centre downtown and it was garbage day in that area. Again the wind had blown bins into the street, and since it was downtown the road was very busy. I retrieved three bins and secured them against houses and fences. I don't know if they belonged to those houses but the citizens can figure that one out. At least there won't be a car accident.

Bonus: I also replaced the cover on someone's motorcycle. It was parked on the front lawn and only hooked onto the handle bars. I covered the bike again. Someone came out of the house and thought I was stealing the bike. Rather than point out the fact(s) that I was pushing a stroller, didn't have any hot wiring apparatus on my person at the time and the most obvious, that I was covering the bike, not uncovering it, I walked away. So much for appreciation.

Friday 1 November 2013

Kindnesses 292-299

292: I went in to J's school to help the kids with spelling.

293: I tried a new pumpkin muffin recipe, so of course I had to share it. I passed it out to some of my neighbours, all of whom asked for the recipe.

294: I put some canned food in the food drive bin at the grocery store.

295: I let my neighbour borrow my umbrella. She has to walk everywhere and the weatehr was miserable. And she has two kids.

296: I helped a blind man find the right bus at the terminal. We see him on the bus all the time and I speak with him regularly. The terminal was busy so he was standing still. I asked which bus he needed and walked with him to the right one. He was appreciative.

297: I sewed part of J's costume by hand. I also took some more muffins into his class for their Halloween party.

298: I let one of J's friends come trick or treating with us. We actually had two tagalongs, but one was under my care because his mother stayed home with her new baby. The other came with his mom. I'm not complaining because it was a lot of fun, but it still counts as a kindness!

299: I forgave my neighbour for breaking my umbrella. Kidding. It was a very windy day and I know it wasn't her fault. Today I rescued several recycling and garbage bins. If the wind was crazy a couple days ago, it was ten times worse today. Some of the garbage bins hit our window....I could only save the marked ones though.